Kłopotliwe czasowniki – przechodnie,
nieprzechodnie i dwuprzechodnie – część II
The translation of transitive, intransitive,
and double-object verbs
Ciąg dalszy spaceru po czasownikach-pułapkach:
Kolejnym czasownikiem
przyjmującym dwa uzupełnienia jest to allow (pozwalać, zezwalać, dopuszczać), występujący w
takich strukturach:
- To allow someone
- To allow
someone to do something.
- To allow
something to someone.
- To allow
- To allow
Z wyjątkiem form w
stronie biernej (np. Smoking is allowed/not allowed here), czasownik to allow
nigdy nie występuje bez co najmniej jednego uzupełnienia. Istnieje też kilka wyrażeń typu phrasal verbs, w których się pojawia
to allow:
To allow of - dopuszczać,
pozwalać na coś, tolerować:
This poem allows of
several different interpretations – (dosł.) Wiersz ten dopuszcza kilka
różnych interpretacji – Wiersz ten można interpretować na kilka różnych sposobów.
To allow for – liczyć się z czymś, zarezerwować, odłożyć/zostawić na zapas:
She’s a provident dressmaker; she always allows three
inches for the hems.
– Jest przezorną krawcową – zawsze zostawia trzy cale na brzegi.
Tymczasem polskim tłumaczom
to allow sprawia sporo kłopotów, np.:
* Frequently, the houses are sold with
tenants because the new law enables
debt collectors to get rid of them easily. From last year’s autumn the
simplified procedure allows
to evict a debtor to a temporal accommodation or to a night refuge (the
debtors are not entitled to social
* They are often sold together with
lodgers and the new law makes their eviction easy. Since last autumn, the
simplified procedures has
allowed for evicting a debtor to a temporary flat or even to a
dosshouse, without the right for accommodation in public housing.
* Houses are often being sold even
when they are occupied, and the new law allows to get rid of the residents easily. Due to the simplified proceedings, since last
autumn it has been possible to evict debtors, who do not have the right to
apply for council housing, and to offer them temporary quarters or even night
shelters instead.
* They are very often sold together
with current residents and the new law allows for their quick eviction. The simplified
eviction procedures allow
– since autumn last year
– to evict) the
debtor (with no right to social flat) to a temporary residence and even a dosshouse.
Polski tekst brzmiał:
Często sprzedawane są one
wraz z lokatorami, a nowe prawo pozwala się ich łatwo pozbyć. Uproszczone procedury pozwalają od jesieni
ubiegłego roku wyeksmitować
dłużnika (bez prawa do lokalu socjalnego) do pomieszczenia tymczasowego, a
nawet do noclegowni.
the houses are sold with tenants because the new law enables debt collectors to get rid of them
easily. Since last autumn the simplified
procedure allows courts to
evict a debtor to temporary accommodation or to a night shelter (debtors
are not entitled to
social lodgings).
They are
often sold together with lodgers and the new law makes their eviction easy. Since last autumn, the simplified procedures have allowed the eviction
of a debtor to a temporary flat or even
to a dosshouse, since he does not have the
right to accommodation in public housing.
Houses are
often being sold even when they are occupied, and the new law allows landlords to get rid of the residents
easily. Due to the simplified
proceedings, since last autumn it
has been possible to evict debtors who do not have the right to apply
for council housing, and to offer them temporary quarters or even night
shelters instead.
They are very
often sold together with current residents and the new law allows for their quick eviction.
Since autumn last year the simplified eviction procedures have allowed landlords/courts to evict a debtor (without
the right to social housing) to a
temporary residence and even a dosshouse.
Jak widzimy, są
alternatywne sposoby tłumaczenia polskich zwrotów: pozwalać, pozwolić bez trudu/problemu …, ułatwiać, umożliwiać (zielone
Kolejny przykład:
* Therefore the Convention was not
violated, because it allows
for states to restrict most of the rights guaranteed in it, if these
limitations serve to protect i.e. public order, morality or the good name and
rights of other people.
tekst brzmiał:
(…) a więc nie naruszyło
Konwencji. Pozwala ona bowiem państwom ograniczyć większość gwarantowanych w niej praw, jeśli ograniczenia
te służą ochronie m.in. bezpieczeństwa i porządku publicznego, moralności czy
dobrego imienia i praw innych osób.
the Convention was not violated, because it allows states to restrict most of the rights
guaranteed in it, if these limitations are to protect values like public order,
morality or the good name/reputation and rights of other people.
* The appropriate resolution on the
subject allowing to
perform the ceremony was taken
by UJ Senate on June 27th, 2012 . . ..
tekst brzmiał:
Odpowiednią uchwałę w tej
sprawie, która pozwoliła
na przeprowadzenie uroczystości,
podjął Senat UJ 27 czerwca 2012 (…) .
On June 27th , 2012 the Senate of the Jagiellonian University
adopted/ passed a resolution allowing the ceremony to be performed//
giving the go-ahead for the ceremony// authorising the applicants to hold the
ceremony//granting its consent to the ceremony. ///
On June 27th , 2012 the Senate of the Jagiellonian University
adopted/ passed a resolution which allowed the ceremony to be
held // which gave the go-ahead for the
ceremony // which authorised the applicants to hold the ceremony . . ..
* Just before that
Santo Domingo was considered to be the richest part of America, yet the
hoarding of wealth by a few foreigners, especially French did not allow transferring it
on the work of non-white workers at latifundia and plantations.
* At those days,
just before the rebellion, Santo Domingo was the wealthiest part of America,
however, hoarding goods by few foreign, mainly French owners, did not allow for this wealth to
be transferred to the labourers, in estates and plantations.
* At those days,
just before the heat of rebellion, Santo Domingo was the wealthiest part of
America, however, hoarding of the goods by few foreign, usually French, owners didn`t allow for this wealth to
transfer onto the labourers in latifundia and plantations.
Polski tekst brzmiał:
Wówczas Santo Domingo,
jeszcze przed rewolucyjnym wrzeniem, było najzasobniejszą częścią Ameryki, lecz
tezauryzacja bogactwa w nielicznych obcych, głównie francuskich, rękach nie pozwoliła na przełożenie
tego stanu na kolorowych wyrobników w latyfundiach i na plantacjach.
Just before the revolutionary ferment started Santo Domingo had
been considered the richest part of
America; yet the hoarding of its wealth by a few foreigners, especially Frenchmen,
did not allow for a share in it to devolve upon/on the non-white labourers
working on the estates and plantations.
In those days, just before the
rebellion, Santo Domingo was regarded as the wealthiest part of America;
however, the fact that a few foreign, mainly French, owners were hoarding its
wealth prevented/stopped the labourers working on the estates and
plantations from getting/ enjoying a share in it/having their fair share.
In those days, just before the heat
of rebellion, Santo Domingo was the wealthiest part of America; however, the
profit was/revenues were hoarded by a few foreign, usually French, owners, who didn`t allow any of this
wealth to pass down to the labourers working on the estates and
W powyższym przykładzie znów
mamy dowód, że tłumaczenie dosłowne lub
prawie dosłowne niekoniecznie musi być najlepszym rozwiązaniem. Pierwsza wersja
– składniowo i semantycznie najbliższa polskiemu oryginałowi – jest zdecydowanie
pośledniejsza w stosunku do pozostałych wersji.
Kolejny przykład:
* In the majority of
hospitals, women are still
forced to give birth to a baby in an unnatural position, and the
inpatient medical staff does
not allow being in labour in harmony with the laws of nature . . ..
Polski tekst:
Kobiety nadal w większości
szpitali są zmuszane do
rodzenia w nienaturalnej pozycji, zniecierpliwiony personel nie pozwala na rodzenie
zgodnie z prawami natury,
In most hospitals women are still being forced to assume
an unnatural position for labour, impatient staff do not allow them to have the baby in the natural
way/ in accordance with the laws of nature . . .
I następny przykład:
* The installation of modern heating
and climatic surveillance will
allow to keep optimal climatic circumstances in the historic hall.
Polski tekst:
Zainstalowano bowiem
nowoczesne ogrzewanie i monitoring klimatyczny, który pozwoli utrzymać w zabytkowej sali
optymalne warunki.
modern/state-of-the-art heating and climatic monitoring system has been
installed, which will allow
the historic hall to be kept in the best possible conditions.
modern/state-of-the-art heating and climatic monitoring system has been
installed, which will secure
the best possible conditions for/in the historic hall.
modern/state-of-the-art heating and climatic monitoring system has been
installed, which will ensure
the best possible conditions in/for the historic hall.
modern/state-of-the-art heating and climatic monitoring system has been
installed, which will give
the historic hall the best possible
modern/state-of-the-art heating and climatic monitoring system has been
installed, which will keep
the historic hall in the best possible
Kolejny przykład:
*“We had
some meeting with the curators’ representatives when the core curriculum was
being changed and they said at that time that we were not allowed teach children reading skills”
she states. “You were not
allowed?” we inquired. “We shouldn’t have” she corrects herself.
Polski tekst:
– Przy okazji reformy
programowej mieliśmy spotkania z przedstawicielami kuratoriów, którzy mówili o
tym, że teraz nie wolno
nam uczyć dzieci czytać – przekonuje. – Nie wolno? – dopytujemy. – Nie powinno się –
poprawia się.
“We had
some meetings with representatives of the board of education when the core
curriculum was being changed and at the time they said that we were not allowed to teach
children reading skills,” she states.
“You were not allowed?” we
“We shouldn’t be,” she
corrects herself.
I ostatni przykład na
*In his
speech, Minister Beck reminded the audience that Germany broke off their
non-aggression pact with Poland. He emphasised that Poles will defend their
rights in Gdansk, and Poland will
not allow to be pushed away from the Baltic Sea . . ..
Polski tekst:
W swym przemówieniu
minister Beck przypomniał, że Niemcy zerwały pakt o nieagresji z Polską.
Podkreślił, że Polacy będą bronili swych praw w Gdańsku, a Polska nie da się
odepchnąć od Bałtyku (…) .
*In his
speech Minister Beck reminded the audience that Germany had violated/infringed /
was in breach of the non-aggression pact with Poland. He emphasised that Poles
would defend their rights in Gdańsk, and that Poland would not allow herself/itself to be pushed away/back
from the Baltic Sea . . ..
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